Friday, October 31, 2008

There is this thing called...


I don't have a problem with Gun Locks. I think thats a great idea, but not if it is going to be mandated. Everyone doesn't need those. I guess, if you are going to leave your pistol laying on the kitchen table for hours on end, you might need one.

I think we are basically on the same page when it comes to gun control. If I want to own a gun, I should be able to. I don't mind background checks and waiting periods.

At the same time, I don't think limiting the number of guns someone can own is going to help anything.

Gun Control will NOT solve violence and crime in this country. Criminals... are just that criminals, so what if its illegal -- they're gonna do it anyway.

As far as children picking up guns and accidentally shooting themselves or other people. That is a very scary, sad, and unfortunate thing. But you have to think about it logically. If you are a gun owner, you should be a responsible gun owner. Lock your guns up when they are not in use. Make sure they are not loaded when you lock them up. Make sure your children know not to touch them. As a child, I knew to never touch my dad's gun, unless he was with me. My kids know not to touch Allen's guns.
Yes... I am the mom who lets her kids play with toy guns, swords, knives. *gasp*
Bite me!

Angela, as far as your children and the lighters. You are taking personal responsibility. You are trying to teach your kids -- they just aren't listening. But you keep on trying... thats the point! Some people will just quit trying and expect some law to magically make it better.

BTW - as far as Sex Ed/Family Life... I never got much out of that, and while its good to have it in the schools... its still a parent's responsibility to try to ensure that their children don't get knocked up like we did! ;) It really wouldn't have mattered if we had chastity belts on with no key to unlock it. We were so "sheltered"... once we got that first taste of freedom, that was all she wrote!

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