Friday, October 31, 2008

There is this thing called...


I don't have a problem with Gun Locks. I think thats a great idea, but not if it is going to be mandated. Everyone doesn't need those. I guess, if you are going to leave your pistol laying on the kitchen table for hours on end, you might need one.

I think we are basically on the same page when it comes to gun control. If I want to own a gun, I should be able to. I don't mind background checks and waiting periods.

At the same time, I don't think limiting the number of guns someone can own is going to help anything.

Gun Control will NOT solve violence and crime in this country. Criminals... are just that criminals, so what if its illegal -- they're gonna do it anyway.

As far as children picking up guns and accidentally shooting themselves or other people. That is a very scary, sad, and unfortunate thing. But you have to think about it logically. If you are a gun owner, you should be a responsible gun owner. Lock your guns up when they are not in use. Make sure they are not loaded when you lock them up. Make sure your children know not to touch them. As a child, I knew to never touch my dad's gun, unless he was with me. My kids know not to touch Allen's guns.
Yes... I am the mom who lets her kids play with toy guns, swords, knives. *gasp*
Bite me!

Angela, as far as your children and the lighters. You are taking personal responsibility. You are trying to teach your kids -- they just aren't listening. But you keep on trying... thats the point! Some people will just quit trying and expect some law to magically make it better.

BTW - as far as Sex Ed/Family Life... I never got much out of that, and while its good to have it in the schools... its still a parent's responsibility to try to ensure that their children don't get knocked up like we did! ;) It really wouldn't have mattered if we had chastity belts on with no key to unlock it. We were so "sheltered"... once we got that first taste of freedom, that was all she wrote!

Gun Control?

We had a part of this conversation the other day...and that's when we decided to do this bloggy thing.

Kumiko: So, where do you stand on gun control?
Me: I think we should all own guns.
Kumiko: Whoot!
Me: But I think gun locks should be used.

Oh boy, that started it there. lol. Kumiko's stand ~ education is the key. Here's my tyrade. :)

1. the 2nd amendment is there for a reason. if we, as Americans can't protect ourselves then what's the point.
2. education is always a good idea....for everything. guns, sex, whatever. But from my own experience...I went through Family Life/Sex Ed. and all that crap. I knew that unprotected sex would get me pregnant, but I did it anyway. Three kids later, it took me a while to figure it out. I did not grow up around hunters, so I was not around guns my whole life. But, I knew they could kill me. So, I just didn't even think about them. Now, when I think about MY kids...that's a different story.

Lemme give ya an example. Cigarette lighters. My kids know (or have been taught) "don't play with fire" - let's explain the burned hunk of carpet in the playroom. The first time I caught them with the lighter, I hid them on top of the fridge.

No dice, the 4 year old is a climber.

The second time, my 7 year old had a burn on his FOREHEAD and holes in his shorts from trying to see what Pop Tart wrappers did when they were lit on fire. So, I yeall at them, tell them how scary it is that they could have been hurt...hide them in my underwear drawer.

Psh. Ok. Third time's a charm, right? Not so much. I find out about this one because the fire alarm goes off...and there's a puff of smoke in the playroom (hence the burn mark) This time, Josh was lighting up ropes, etc....and some of it melted and stuck to the carpet. His reply "I wanted a campfire."

This time I realized I needed to go to extremes. i take each boy outside one at a time and I have a very in depth conversation about the house burning down, etc...and I tell them to stick their fingers out. And i lit the lighter.

"OW! WHY DID YOU BURN ME MOM?!?!?!" Because, if you catch the house on fire...that's what it can feel like all over your body...and you can die.

We were good for about 2 months. THEN....they found one in my purse. Now none of the stuffed animals in the house have whiskers.

My point is, some kids just can't learn a lesson. "It won't happen to me" is a big response....and education just isn't going to be enough. Important, but not enough.

I can't wait to see what she says :)

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Where's a Ouija Board when you need one...

What the hell does that have to do with politics? Simple, I want to summon the spirit of Ronald Reagan and ask him to take over the body of whoever gets elected. That would make me very, very happy!

I don't particularly think I'm as far to the right as Angela does, but I guess its possible.

I don't think that I was really old enough to grasp much of what was going on during Bush #1's presidency... and the only thing I really remember about Clinton was his sexual festivities in the Oval Orafice. Really, of no consequence now!
"The 8 years Clinton was in office were good years. Great economy, no war, and we had some juicy stuff to watch on TV."
We may not have been in a "war", but for some reason, Kosovo is going through my mind.

I don't agree with Obama on the issues, I don't agree with McCain on some of them either. I think they're both full of crap on some things.

Where do I stand?

Gay rights: I don't really see a need to get worked up about this issue. I'm not gay, and what gay people do has nothing to do with me. Let them have their civil unions. (See, I'm not so far to the right)

Abortion: This is a hard one. I do believe that its no one's business but mine what I do to my body, but I also believe that abortion is an absolutely horrible practice. I think abortion should only be used in extreme cases - rape, incest, and severe physical harm to the mother. I could go on and on and on, but I won't.

The Iraqi War: Ok... We are not still looking form WMDs in Iraq. There was bad intel. Any president who had the intel Dubya had would've gone looking. Honestly, if someone you trusted greatly said, "your son is smoking crack". Wouldn't you go looking for it? What if you don't find any crack? That doesn't mean your son isn't smoking it.
At any rate, we started something there that we need to finish. I don't know the ins and outs of everything going on over there. I can only hope its possible to get our troops out quickly and safely without doing any more damage to the integrity of our country.
As far as spending $10 mil a month... if it wasn't going toward the war, the government would find another way to squander it! (Can you tell, I have a lot of faith in the government?)
The answer to Foreign Policy cannot be "leave them to figure it out". We are supposedly the strongest nation in the world. We, some would say, have an obligation to be involved.

Economy: The economy sucks and the politicians are to blame... all of them! There is no quick fix to the economy. Someone explain to me how cutting taxes and increasing spending is gonna help the economy!

My brain hurts now Angela... maybe we should tackle one topic at a time... ugh!

Hannity and Colmes? Not quite.

We're better looking. ha.

I'm the one who rides the fence, but tends to slip off on the left. Kumiko is the one who waves at me from the right. Neither one of us think the grass is greener on the other side. :)

The last republican I had respect for was Ronald Reagan, and come to find out he was senile the last 3 years of his presidency. Maybe that's why things were going so well? Poor George HW Bush in 1988 didn't have a fighting chance of keeping "Reaganomics" going, and then Desert Storm just ruined it for him. 1992 brought in Clinton, who, I will admit, I liked because he was better looking than Bush Sr. Petty, yes, but I was 13. Hormones were a major part of all of my decisions back then. I'm not ashamed. The 8 years Clinton was in office were good years. Great economy, no war, and we had some juicy stuff to watch on TV. He got busted doing what every other president has been doing in office - not for nothing, if I were president, I'd be banging up in there too. Something about the Oval Office that's a turn on...maybe because I know JFK was getting his rocks off with Marilyn Monroe in there too. Hmm.

So, now that we've all had just about enough of Dubya, we're seeing the most historic presidential race ever. We've got "Change" with Obama and the Geriatric Hour on Lawrence Welk with McCain. As far as I see it, they are both "Change" - I don't care who voted how many times for whatever...they're both going to tell you what you want to hear. "No New Taxes."

We know how well that worked in 1992. Psh.

Now that Vote 2008 is five days away, me & Kumiko have been having talks about who we're voting for and why. We've both taken about 800 online surveys to help us with our decisions, and well, none of them have come up with a response that's a surprise. I tend to agree with Obama, and she with McCain. (Honestly, I think she just wants Sarah Palin - heh heh heh)

What I agree with - gay rights, gay marriage, pulling out of Iraq in 1-2 years, and putting more money into OUR pockets as Americans and not every other country who obviously doesn't care if their people get fed. I'm sorry, but until some of these people start paying us back, we need to keep our money. We have too many people on welfare, and the baby boomers are retiring...not every one has healthcare. It's ridiculous. I'm considering a move to Canada.

What I don't agree with...4 more years of idiocy. Spending $10mil a month on a war where we're not going to find anything...and if the Iraqi's want to blow themselves up....that's on them. Who was stepping in when we were fighting ourselves? NOBODY. We worked out our own differences...the north cut off our rail roads and we starved, so Lee gave in. All's fair in love & war, right? So, leave them to themselves. Bah. So, you know what my ass would do with $10mil a month? A whole lotta not fighting Arabs. That's what. ;)

Also, I don't agree that anyone's human rights should be taken away. Abortion. Not my bag, but what you do isn't MY choice. An no president should be able to tell you what's right for YOUR body. For a government to dictate what you believe in based on what THEY believe in, just isn't right for me. I'll do what I want to my body. It's like someone telling me that a tattoo is illegal. Screw you and your little dog too. ;)

While a majority of what I believe in is Liberal, I'm still having doubts as to who to vote for. I don't like that I am doubting myself and my core beliefs...and I don't want to say, I'm a liberal, but I'm voting McCain, b/c Obama is black. I don't care if he's Chinese...some things I don't totally mesh with. "Spread the wealth?" OK, show me how youre going to do that, and we might get somewhere. Cut taxes for the rich, I'm good with that...but what about all the money we need to get out of debt? /sigh.

Vote Croft/Masterson 2008! That's bipartisanship at it's best ;)